30 Years Strong: The Modern False Claims Act and The Fight Against Fraud
In a nation as demographically complex as the United States, it is nearly impossible for all...
10 Components That Determine the Size of a Whistleblower’s Reward
Whistleblowers can be awarded anywhere between 15% and 30% in False Claims Act cases, depending on...
5 Factors That Can Make or Break Whistleblower Cases
From contacting an attorney to waiting for the case to be resolved, whistleblowing is a long and...
What Really Drives Employees To Become Whistleblowers
“When a whistle is blown we all listen and we all have to decide how we react to the people who...
Why Are Whistleblowers Offered Financial Incentives?
When whistleblower cases prevail, questions often surface about whether it is ethical to incentivize...
How the Government Calculates Whistleblower Awards
On August 30th, 2016, a whistleblower who gave crucial information about fraud to the SEC was...