Securities and Exchange Fraud

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) tightly regulates the investment industry to prevent fraudulent individuals from interfering in business. Securities fraud, otherwise known as stock fraud or investment fraud, occurs when an individual or organization submits falsified information or omits data to persuade an investor into making an investment decision. While the SEC is proficient in executing its regulations, there is a difficulty in detecting these organizations who seek to commit fraud, as they often conceal their wrongdoing behind closed doors and out of the public’s eye. However, that doesn’t mean the SEC will stop trying to find instances of fraud within the industry.

Securities and Exchange Fraud

In fact, their 2019 Annual Report contained five basic core principles in which the SEC with target fraud, which are

  • A focus on the Main Street investor
  • A concentration on the individual investor and their accountability
  • A commitment to impose remedies most successfully further their enforcement goals
  • A constant assessment of the allocation of resources and capital
  • A position to stay ahead of the technological curve

While these principles may seem abstract, they allow the SEC to act proactively, not reactively, to instances of corruption. Whistleblowers also further this proactive response, as they’re able to gather solid evidence from fraudulent institutions without notifying the abuser of anything suspicious. As a whistleblower, you’re taking a stand against the fraud and corruption that robs everyday people of fair business dealings, which is why the False Claims Act (FCA) contains provisions that allow whistleblowers to recover 10% – 30% of the recovery if their lawsuit is successful. Our attorneys have a proven track record of maximizing that award for our over 100,000 clients served, making us an undeniable asset in your journey to fight for the greater good.

If you have evidence of SEC or investment fraud occurring at your workplace or know of the crime occurring at any other institution, contact us today for more information on your first step.

Stay One Step Ahead of Securities and Exchange Fraud Schemes

Fraud schemes are constantly evolving and becoming more complicated. While the SEC has brought down systems of fraudulent activity in the past, they need your help to keep up their effort. Many whistleblowers were employees of the fraudulent company before coming to realize that their superiors were engaging in unethical business practices to further the company’s profit margin. These were people who went to work every morning just like you have, but their actions have helped hold organizations accountable for stealing millions of dollars. To notice fraud, you have to understand it, so here are a few common SEC fraud schemes that have resulted in lawsuits:

Misrepresentation or Omission of Material/Electronic Information

The SEC mandates that companies and investment advisors provide accurate and honest information to any potential investor. If they fail to do so, it is considered fraud, and it’s only a matter of time until someone speaks up about their criminal behavior.

Insider Trading

Companies can not disclose sensitive information to manipulate investors into purchasing stocks or investing. This is amongst the most common forms of SEC fraud, and it’s one of the SEC’s top fraud enforcement priorities moving forward.


There have been cases of CEOs, accountants, and other members of financial institutions who have embezzled millions of dollars from investors and other businesses. While these larger cases often make headlines, more minor instances of embezzlement can add up to significant amounts of stolen funds, as these individuals operate under the radar for years while pocketing their investors’ money.


Ponzi-schemes, or pyramid schemes, are FINRA arbitration violations where a fraudulent organization or individual finances earlier investors with the payments from new investors. One of the most noteworthy examples was Bernie Madoff’s scheme that was uncovered in 2008 and defrauded investors of a combined $64.8 billion.

Manipulation of the Market Price of Securities

Companies are prohibited from interfering with sensitive stock information, delaying the release of said information, or engaging in “pump and dump” schemes, which occurs when an organization convinces a large group of investors to purchase the stock of a company to drive up the price rapidly. Once the price is inflated, the organization behind the scheme sells off a large portion of its stock in the company to take the profits while their investors lose money. Any manipulation of market price securities is a serious crime, but together, we can hold these organizations accountable for their wrongdoing.

Theft of Client Funds or Securities

The SEC requires financial institutions and the employees within them to act responsibly with their client’s money. This fraud can take various forms, such as diversion of client funds into unauthorized transactions, charging exorbitant commission fees, and churning customer accounts, but the harm is all the same. No investor should have their money stolen by the organization they trusted to act responsibly with their investment, regardless of the profits they may make.

Sale of Unauthorized Securities

The SEC determines which companies can publicly trade their stock to investors. If an investment advisor or financial institution uses a client’s investment to purchase an unauthorized security, it’s considered fraud and they could be held liable for their actions.

Unique Capability to Ensure Protection

Many whistleblowers fear that the organization they’re helping to expose will retaliate against them for bringing forward their evidence. While this is a valid concern, the FCA contains provisions that protect whistleblowers as they use their evidence to expose corruption, allowing them to do so without fear of harm. Additionally, our Complex Litigation Group is well versed in all aspects of qui tam and whistleblower litigation and can ensure that you’ll stay safe and anonymous throughout the duration of your case. If any organization tries to retaliate, they can see us in court, and we’re always prepared to advocate for your rights in the courtroom.

For Justice, For Whistleblowers, For the People

Many cases of securities and exchange fraud would not have been discovered without the help of a brave whistleblower. These individuals are taking a stand against corruption and promoting fairness across the entire investment easier, and for that, they deserve the utmost respect and admiration. Our attorneys understand this, and we can ensure that your financial award reflects the importance of your contribution.

Our Whistleblower Group stands as an ally to whistleblowers everywhere, regardless of the organization they’re helping to expose. If you have evidence of SEC fraud, our attorneys can help you navigate through the complicated process of whistleblower litigation and come out successful on the other side. Contact us today to get started.