
Qui Tam Report Reveals Eye-opening Facts about Healthcare Cases
(This post is written by attorney James Young.)
A recent review by the Mintz Levin firm took a look...

Healthcare, Settlements
JAX Wound Care Company to Pay $22.51 Million to Settle Lawsuit Alleging Medicare Fraud
Today Morgan & Morgan’s whistleblower team announced that Healogics, a Jacksonville, Florida-based...

Sarasota Doctor Pays $1.95 Million to Settle Whistleblower Team's Lawsuit Alleging Medicare Fraud
Our whistleblower team at Morgan & Morgan announces that a Sarasota doctor has agreed to pay $1.95...

Meeting the Man: The Government’s Role in Healthcare Fraud
Healthcare fraud is one of the most costly crimes in America, and the government devotes...

Big Pharma’s Greed: Breaking the Law is Just Another Business Cost
Pharmaceutical companies calculate their bottom lines to a T, but some costs don’t show up on the...

DOJ Sues UnitedHealth for $1B Thanks to Whistleblower
The fastest growing form of government healthcare, Medicare Advantage, has been revealed by...